My dad was brainwashed and angry with people who did not share his views

Robert, Mid-Atlantic, 9/10/24

My dad was a great guy, coach and science teacher. After listening to Rush and Sitting in front of Fox News all day, he was no longer a nice guy, thought anyone other than a conservative was collectively working to destroy the country. He and others in his conservative circle bought six months of dried food when Obama was elected because it meant the end of the world was coming.

As a teacher of science, he suddenly did not trust scientists, or universities, and believed climate change was a hoax. He would get so mad, I had to be concerned he would come over a table after us if we questioned his beliefs or lack of facts.

He did not want to see his grandchildren because they were being raised in a “liberal home.” In one of the last times we were able to get together he spent the time telling me how horrible a person I am because I am not a republican and that I thought he was a terrorist.

I only tried to say “I love you” and “this may be the last time we get to talk before you die” so please do not talk about politics. He claimed I was trying to censure him or I did not support his free speech. Days before he passed away, he wanted me to acknowledge he was not a bad guy.

I want to think this was him reflecting on how he interacted with myself and my family as he came to grips with the error of his ways and wanted some positive closure before the end of his life. I let him know he was a fantastic father and that I would remember him at his best. I hope he found some grace and peace in the end.

Thank you for allowing me to write this, it has been cathartic. I hope others can find some solace in reading others messages and not feeling like you were/are alone in your struggles with this.

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